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California EMS Regulations and Standards

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California's EMS standards and regulations are intended to ensure that citizens receive quality care. They coordinate the state's response to major disasters, and improve the quality emergency medical services.

California's EMS Authority, a department of health services component, organizes EMS. Its duties include ensuring that the statewide EMS system is effective, developing EMS training programs, and promoting disaster preparedness. The EMS Authority also oversees the State Paramedic License program.

High-quality trauma and emergency care is provided by EMS personnel. This includes EMTs, Advanced Emergency Medical Techs and Mobile Intensive Car Nurses. This personnel must have a license from their local EMS organization.

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EMTs need to complete approved National Registry (NREMT), training programs. The program must be completed before the applicant can take the NREMT exam. The examination may be waived for those who have completed an American Red Cross training course. There may be other standards for EMS certification in different areas.

California's EMS Authority coordinates the state's emergency medical services. This agency works closely to the California Department of Public Health, California National Guard and private companies to ensure safety for the public. EMS Authority personnel could be deployed from areas not affected by major disasters to aid those who require it. Moreover, the EMS Authority investigates complaints related to the prehospital care of paramedics.

The EMS Authority also oversees state-wide development of an Emergency Medical Services Personnel Registry that lists all qualified EMS professionals as well as their credentials. The EMS Authority is currently implementing a plan for EMS communications system implementation. The EMS Authority also investigates traffic safety measures.

The EMS Authority is responsible for investigating criminal background checks, training violations and other misconduct. The EMS Authority might refer a case to the California Commission on Emergency Medical Services if it receives a complaint. The 18-member group meets regularly in the state to discuss EMS matters and provide advice to the Authority regarding the assessment of emergency facilities.

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California may also have its own EMS system. While most communities maintain their own EMS systems and some municipalities contract with a region or county for their services, others choose to use a third party. However, not all municipal EMS systems can function independently. Local governments may choose to pay property taxes or fees for their own EMS system.

California Disaster Healthcare Volunteers supports EMS. This organization represents 47 different license types and has approximately 14,000 registrants. These individuals can be incorporated into the statewide EMS register after they have been verified with their professional credentials.

The EMS Authority coordinates the state's response to major disasters. It also promotes injury prevention, and other preventive health measures. These activities include approving training programs in CPR and pediatric first aid. The EMS Authority also works on standardizing pre-arrival instructions for emergency care.

California EMS Regulations and Standards