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California EMS Regulations and Standards


California's EMS regulations and standards were created to ensure quality patient care. They coordinate state response to major catastrophes and improve emergency medical services quality.

California's EMS Authority is a component of Department of Health Services. Its duties include ensuring the effectiveness of the statewide EMS system, creating EMS training programs and promoting disaster readiness. Additionally, the EMS Authority oversees the State Paramedic Licensure Program.

EMTs and Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (EMS) are responsible for providing quality emergency and trauma care. They must be licensed by the local EMS agency.

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Those who seek to become certified as an EMT must obtain an approved National Registry (NREMT) training program. The applicant must pass the NREMT examination after completing the program. Those who have completed an American Red Cross training program may be exempt from the examination. Other areas may have their own EMS certification standards.

California's EMS Authority coordinates all aspects of emergency management in California. They work closely with the California Department of Public Health (CDC), the California National Guard (CNA) and private businesses to ensure the safety of the public. EMS Authority personnel could be deployed from areas not affected by major disasters to aid those who require it. The EMS Authority also examines complaints related to prehospital care of paramedics.

The EMS Authority is responsible for the creation of the statewide Emergency Medical Services Personnel Registry. It lists all qualified EMS workers and their credentials. The EMS Authority also is working to implement a state plan for EMS communication system. Additionally, the EMS Authority has begun investigating traffic safety measures.

The EMS Authority is responsible for investigating criminal background checks, training violations and other misconduct. The EMS Authority may refer a complaint to California Commission on Emergency Medical Services if they receive it. The 18-member body meets regularly throughout California to discuss EMS issues, and advise the Authority about the assessment emergency facilities.

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California's local government might also offer EMS services. While many communities operate their own EMS systems, some municipalities choose to contract with a county or regional government for their services. Some municipal EMS systems, however, are too small for independent operation. A local government could decide to fund its own EMS with property taxes, or service fees.

California Disaster Healthcare Volunteers also supports EMS. The organization has around 14,000 registered members and covers 47 license types. Upon verification of the professional credentials of these individuals, they can be incorporated into the statewide EMS registry.

The EMS Authority coordinates the state's response to major disasters. It also promotes injury prevention, and other preventive health measures. These activities include approving training programs in CPR and pediatric first aid. The EMS Authority also works on standardizing pre-arrival instructions for emergency care.

California EMS Regulations and Standards