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Part Time Jobs For Firefighters

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Part-time firefighters are a great option for those who need flexibility and want a job that is not full-time. Firefighters are often required to work in shifts but have enough time to manage their personal lives. Part-time jobs can be available for firefighters to fill in this gap before they return to the firehouse. Before you apply for a job, think about your reasons.

Tow truck driving

While firefighters are generally the first to call when a wreck occurs, tow truck drivers can also be on the scene of other accidents. Many times, they are contacted by angry car owner who may become violent with them. These drivers may also sustain serious injuries on the job.

Tow truck drivers are responsible to transport vehicles and other vehicles from one place to another. Drivers earn around $35,000 a year, and they often travel a lot. Drivers must be flexible and physically fit.


As a side hustle, bartending might be a good option for firefighters. It's a great way of meeting new people, and you can be right there in the middle. To become a bartender, it is not an easy job. You will need to be able to mix hundreds of drinks and pass a licensing exam. You can also get a part time job as a security guard if you don't have the time or desire to learn how to make drinks.

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Other than bartending, firefighters may also be able to do other jobs. You can also do side jobs such as hauling trash or fixing broken locks. Side jobs can bring in extra income and relieve stress. Firefighters have busy schedules, and side jobs can help them fill their time between shifts. These side jobs can also supplement the small salaries they earn as firefighters.


Firefighters who wish to earn extra cash can start their own blogs, sharing their experiences and advice. Advertisements can make these blogs profitable. For blogs to be successful, they need to post frequently and produce high-quality material. In this way, they can reach a broad audience and earn anywhere from $1,000 to $100,000 a month.

While the firefighting profession may not have the 9-to-5 hours that an office job does, firefighters often have long weekends and varying schedules. This could mean that a firefighter may get up to 20 days off in a given month. Additional work can be done with the extra time.

Security guards

Part-time jobs as security guards for firefighters are available in many settings. These positions require firefighters with specific skills. They must be proficient in reading and writing, as well as being able to communicate with outside personnel using security cameras. They might be required to manage situations where people are drunk and cause trouble. In addition, they must be able to maintain records and perform repetitive tasks.

You'll be able to make quick decisions if you have had training as a firefighter. This job does not require a lot of knowledge in firefighting but it can make you extra money and give you a break from your usual job. Many businesses will value the skills of firefighters, and some employers may even be firefighters themselves.

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Personal trainers

If firefighters don't feel like working full time, they can consider side jobs such as personal trainers. The work may not be as lucrative as consulting, but firefighters have the unique opportunity to work with individuals. They are able to see the positive results of training others. They can either work one-on-1 with clients or teach classes in the boot camp format to the public. They may also be able to hire other firefighters to train them as personal trainers.

Firefighters have a unique advantage: they can stay fit and are happy to help others. Firefighters need to stay healthy in order to perform their job effectively. They have the experience and knowledge to do this. Many of these people are excellent salespeople. They might want to motivate others and offer advice and guidance to personal trainers or yoga teachers. Other job options for firefighters include being a bouncer, or doorman, at a nightclub or bar. These jobs require firefighters being physically fit, having excellent communication skills and a passion for working with people.

Part Time Jobs For Firefighters