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Arizona Ambulance Services and Trauma Registry

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Arizona EMS and Trauma System is a comprehensive statewide system dedicated to improving the delivery of emergency medical services in Arizona. It comprises a network encompassing hospitals and providers. These include ambulance services as well as state-designated trauma center. Through education and research, it promotes the improvement of the state's EMS systems.

The Arizona Department of Health Services manages the statewide emergency medical services coordination system. This includes overseeing the Base Hospital and EMS Rules, which regulate the operations for EMS companies in Arizona. In addition to overseeing a network of base hospitals and EMS providers in Arizona, the department has a vested stake in the creation of a statewide Trauma Registry.

The University of Arizona's Department of Emergency Medicine leads the way in emergency medical care. It offers subspecialty training in disaster preparedness and EMS. It also works with many outstanding local EMS agencies. However, the statewide EMS/Trauma System still has a lot of work ahead.

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The State of Arizona is not the largest EMS market in the country, but it does have an EMS industry that is thriving. The state offers many advantages to those who choose to operate there. First and foremost, it is possible to make an impact on the lives of those who are dependent on emergency medical care.

The Arizona EMS and Trauma System is aimed at providing high quality emergency medical care in a cost effective manner. This can be done in a number of ways, including by establishing a statewide Registry. The Arizona EMS Office website has more information.

The Region EMS and Regional Trauma System are also key components of the statewide network. These systems are modeled on the Federal Department of Transportation's EMS System, which is the largest and oldest in the country.

There are many other ancillary features in the statewide EMS/Trauma System. These include the Arizona EMS Information System Manual. This is the official reference for Arizona EMS Information System. A PDF of a listing containing information about testing sites can be found on this site.

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Another notable achievement in the state is the creation of a statewide registry for trauma. It is used to track deaths and injuries in order for cost-effective strategies to help victims. The statewide register is an educational tool that the public can use, in addition to storing and coordination records.

There is a growing statewide trauma and EMS system, as well as a wide range of subspecialty and other ancillary services. Arizona's EMS System, Trauma System, and EMS should be able in the coming years to create a cohesive and meaningful agenda. This is a difficult task at the moment, but it's only a matter of time until a national coalition develops an identical injury control research agenda.

While EMS isn't the most glamorous job, it does provide valuable services to Arizona citizens. Arizona EMS and Trauma System work hard to improve Arizona's residents' quality of lives.

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Arizona Ambulance Services and Trauma Registry