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Military Firefighter Jobs – The Best Military Branch For Jobs in Firefighting

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Military firefighting involves responding to emergency calls and protecting personnel and property. Additionally, they are responsible for preventing and extinguishing aircraft fires. This can be dangerous. It is important to remember that federal firefighters who serve on military bases can take mental and physical tolls and are not properly trained in all aspects of public safety. This is something that the federal government is trying to fix.

Most firefighters in the Department of National Defence are civilians who have a background working as firefighters. Their sole responsibility for providing first aid is usually to be on base. This is common when there are no other medical personnel.

Military firefighting's main purpose is to save lives. This profession puts those who are involved in it at greater risk of developing cancer. Firefighting foam is made from perfluorooctanoic acid and other chemicals. Although these chemicals have been in commercial products for many decades, new studies have shown they can cause thyroid diseases, high cholesterol, or reproductive issues.

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You might be called upon to assist with hazardous materials incidents as a military firefighters. During these situations, you'll have to be quick-thinking, calm, and physically fit. It is also important to have good hearing and normal color vision.

A long training process is required if you are interested in becoming a military firefighters. It depends on the branch you choose, you may need to go through both specialized and basic training. You will usually have a variety of nationally recognized fire certifications. These will make them more attractive to prospective employers.

To be considered as a military volunteer firefighter, you will need a high school diploma, valid driver's license, along with physical and mental fitness. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is used to assess military recruits. It's designed to improve the skills and abilities of job applicants. This will enable you to access more specialized training and schools. You will also receive a number of perks that will help you along your journey.

Additionally, you can join the Air Force to work as an Air Firefighter. You will not be guaranteed an active-duty role, but you will learn about the firefighting duties for a variety of aircraft. Air firefighting is a different type of military firefighting. It requires extensive tactical and technical training.

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The difficulty of training and recruiting means that you can expect a moderate job outlook. For those who cannot secure employment as active duty personnel, you can look into other positions in the private sector as well as government. Many times, ex-military personnel can transfer their education credits into post-secondary institutions.

There are very few opportunities to recruit for military firefighting. Once you are accepted you will be asked to sign an agreement for at least four years or five. Former military firefighters can usually complete the training to reenter working in less than 40 hours.

Military Firefighter Jobs – The Best Military Branch For Jobs in Firefighting